What is the Inclusive Cycling Experience?
Cycling UK’s exciting new programme, the Inclusive Cycling Experience, is funded by the Motability Foundation; to support the disabled community in Inverness to start cycling.
The scheme offers free try-out sessions and non-standard cycle loans to enable people to consider cycling as an active travel option for everyday journeys. To find out more click here
When : Thursday 23rd May, between 1pm & 3pm
Duration : This is a drop in session, there will be assistance available during the times noted above.
** This is the start of ‘the Inclusive Cycling Experience’ Cycling UK will be running weekly sessions from UHI on Tuesday mornings and Thursdays afternoons, with 1:1 sessions and loan bookings available outwith these days and times.
Where : UHI campus, Inverness
Nearest Carpark : carparking available at the UHI campus
Type of Terrain : Taster sessions around the Campus roads and paths.
Cost : Free of charge
How to book : Inclusive-cycling-experience/inverness-booking
Additional Information : The try-out sessions are designed to support you to find the best fit for your cycling needs, be that an adapted bike, a tandem or trike, we have options to ensure that your needs are catered for.
These free sessions will be in Inverness, where experts will be on hand to assess your skills and requirements and guide you, and provide the best cycle for you, giving you the confidence to get riding quickly and easily.
Our team will provide you with a suitable cycle; helmets aren’t necessary, but we can provide one if you want – or you can bring your own.
During the session we will:
Show you how to operate a cycle based on your needs
Provide a traffic-free space for you to try out your cycle and develop your skills and confidence
Top tips when cycling through interactive activities
The session will cover some cycling skills, but rest assured; there is no test, pass or fail involved. We aim to give you all the skills and advice you need to start your cycling journey confidently.
Try out an inclusive bike or cycle and see how far you can go