Festival of Walking & Wheeling
Photo Competition 2023!
Calling all amateur photographers!
Walking and wheeling can be for everyone!
To to help you get motivated we are we are running a photo competition. Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each category.
The aim of the competition is to help celebrate all the amazing walking & wheeling opportunities in Inverness, to promote the festival, and to encourage folk who may not get the time to walk much, or can’t walk far.
Walking for 15 minutes can be enormously beneficial so why not take your camera/phone and see what you can see!
Entries must be sent in by noon on 31st May 2023, so get walking, get wheeling & get snapping!
Choose your best photo then click the button below…..
Details of the competition are outlined below, so please read before you send your entry.
Did you know that walking for just 15 minutes each day can make a great difference to your health! Our bodies are meant to move, and a short walk can help lift mood, clear your head, sleep better, relieve joint pain, improve circulation, and strengthen bones, teeth & muscles (through production of vitamin D from the sun).
“Walking is the best medicine” Hippocrates
What are the Categories?
1. 15-minutes from my door (something interesting on your walk, or at your destination)
2. Inverness cycling
3. Inverness wheeling
There will be 1 winner in each category. There are two categories - one for adults and one for children (16 years and under). The categories are quite broad to give you the opportunity to use your imagination.
What is the prize?
winners of each category will receive a gift voucher valued at £25.00; SD camera card for winner of Children’s category; SD camera card for overall competition winner.
We will display the winners’ names, and their photo on the festival website, along with a selection of other entries.
Who will judge the competition?
The competition will be judged by local photographer Gordon Doherty.
The decision will be final and non-negotiable, prizes will be non-negotiable.
What will happen to the photographs?
The festival is aiming to showcase the walking and wheeling opportunities in Inverness so we would like to display the photographs in a number of ways.
By submitting an entry, you are giving permission for your photo(s) to be shown on the website and at the festival event. In addition, we may use the photograph on the website and other social media/publicity & leaflets or posters for P4W purposes. Photos must be sent in by the deadline. Participants can enter 2 photos maximum. Photos must be in their original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.
Who can take part?
Anyone (except staff, relatives of P4W staff, or committee members) can take part in the competition as long as you are not a professional photographer.
What are the competition dates?
You can start snapping anytime. The deadline for entries to reach us by noon on 31st May 2023
How do I enter?
Email your photos by clicking the button ‘enter now’ above. This will open a link to email your photographs. Please email in as high resolution as possible and send as a jpeg file.
Please also include:
Your full name
Email contact or telephone number
Description e.g., tree in my local park, view of river Ness, my walking boots, your caption
By submitting an entry you are giving acknowledgement the photo is your own work.
How will the competition be judged?
The photographs will be judged on:
Visual design
Colour & lighting
Photos can be humorous, captioned, of people (permission in some cases may be needed), places or things- so buildings, views, trees, rivers, a beautiful sunset….anything really!
You might want to take photos of family and friends walking with you which is fine -kindly ask their permission first.
Tips on taking photos of people in a public place. Please make sure that you are actually in a public space.
A public place isn’t just a place where the public can go. Shopping centres, airports, parks, museums, concerts, and the like might be publicly accessible, but they’re often private venues. This means whatever constitutional rights you have, to take photos in public places don’t apply.
Ask permission & obey the rules of the location in which you’re photographing.